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Our new Customer Scrutiny Group is up and running, please come and join us to drive real change.

We launched our new Customer Scrutiny Group in November 2021. Although it is still early days, our aim is to bring together a number of different customers who receive a service from Elim Housing.

What is the scrutiny group for?

The purpose of the new scrutiny group is for customers to have a say in decision-making that affects them and to ensure that they are able to independently scrutinise performance and hold Elim to account for the decisions that affect the quality of the homes and services our customers receive.

The scrutiny group will have a direct link with our Board and senior staff to ensure that customers are heard and represented at every level in the organisation. Our customers choose the issue they would like to review at each session, and can suggest improvements and changes to service delivery.

The focus of the last meeting was Elim Customer Satisfaction and Customer Complaints. To find out about the type of discussions that are held at the Customer Scrutiny sessions, you can read the summary of the last meeting here.

One of our customers, Andrew has been involved with the Scrutiny Group since its launch.

“I wanted to join the group so that I could share my experiences, it’s important to include different perspectives. If we want to see change or for things to be done differently, we need to give our input. My opinions are reaching the top of the organisation and I like that there is no pressure, it’s an informal friendly group.”

How can you get involved?

We hope Scrutiny Group members will join us for around four meetings a year, and each meeting will require a small amount of preparation time beforehand.

We know it isn’t possible for everyone to travel to the meetings at our Head Office, so we make sure that there are options to join the scrutiny sessions remotely, using zoom links for example. Now that coronavirus restrictions have lifted we’re also going to arrange pop up events in different communities to try and reach as many of our customers as possible.

Elim will cover any childcare costs which enable you to attend scrutiny meetings, and we can also provide you with IT equipment, if this will help you to become involved. Training and support will be provided to help you get to grips with the scrutiny group, and you will get the chance to meet new people, gain experience and develop new work-related skills.

Our next meeting will be held in May 2022 – why not come along and find out more?

If you would like to join our customer scrutiny group, contact us at to tell us that you are interested in joining the group. Alternatively you can phone Rachel Pinchin or Dave Peregrine on 01454 411172 to have a conversation about the group and to ask any further questions.




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