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National Volunteer Week 2024

This Volunteers’ Week we celebrate the customers & colleagues who over the last year have contributed their time and skills to create positive impact in our communities.

An estimated 14.2m people in the UK volunteered through a group, club or organisation in 2022/23 and more than half of the UK population gets involved in informal volunteering – but this is less visible. Informal volunteering can involve things like going shopping, providing childcare or doing housework for free for someone who is not a relative or a friend.

As well as helping others, volunteering can help you gain valuable new skills and experiences and has been shown to improve wellbeing too. Elim have recently introduced a colleague volunteering programme where all Elim colleagues are awarded 1 paid volunteering day each year that can be spent working outside of Elim supporting projects, charities, other worthy causes or housing sector organisations.

As we celebrate Volunteers’ Week 2024, we look back at some of the volunteering projects both residents and colleagues have been involved in over the past year...



Colleagues joined volunteers at The Forest of Avon at Overscourt Woods, Siston to help improve the footpaths making the beautiful woodland easier to access.

Dave, our Director of Housing Services volunteered as Chairman of a Bristol Youth Football Club dedicating his time to help provide football opportunities to all children in the area.


A Phoenix Place resident has been able to learn new practical skills at a local hairdressers. As well as taking bookings and keeping the salon tidy she has been able to gain valuable experience in the industry for future paid opportunities.  

Ron Jones House car enthusiast completed a voluntary placement at a busy local Car Garage, supporting the team with basic mechanic work and has recently been offered a permanent job with the team!


Last Summer we launched a green project themed around urban fruit orchards in Elim’s communal green spaces. Residents from The Forecastle support scheme in South Gloucestershire volunteered to help plant them at this particular site and worked hard to plant apple, cherry and pear tree’s across the space.


Gloucester Projects volunteered their time, working hard to help improve their communal garden at Claremont Road. Enabling residents to enjoy the space to it’s fullest this summer.

Residents from our IHM services volunteered with Salvation Army and Gloucester City Mission which supports the homeless, those living in temporary accommodation and sofa surfers. This involved working directly with clients on outreach or through sorting donations and working in Restore.


A Phoenix Place resident undertook a volunteering placement at Windmill Hill City Farm shop in Bedminster. The city farm aims to improve the lives of local people through its services and facilities, running activities for people with health and social care needs, giving opportunities for personal development through courses and volunteering

Elim IT & Digital Manager Simon, volunteered his time with his local church group completing youth work and activity sessions for the local community during the School holidays, building the self-esteem and self-confidence of young people.


Helping animals in need, one Bristol resident undertook a voluntary placement through college at their local PDSA veterinary practice shadowing the veterinary team and helping with general tasks. They also give their time to the partner charity shop, helping with day to day duties and sorting donations.  


Becoming a Volunteer

Want to volunteer but don’t know where to start? Volunteers’ Week is a great time to find out more.

There are all kinds of volunteering roles out there, contributing to many different causes and you can find all the opportunities available here.


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