We are pleased to announce that Elim Housing have successfully been granted planning permission for the development of 6 bungalows with private gardens and staff accommodation on site for young adults with autism in partnership with Noma Architects.
The site at Ruthven Road, Knowle West, currently accommodates two-day centres for people with additional needs. Following a decline in the condition of the larger building and to meet changes in need and demand, the Trustees of the Haven Community made the decision in 2022 to reduce the day centre provision and offer part of their site for housing for people with additional needs in its place. The Board of Haven Community is actively considering the local need for Day Centre provision from the smaller building on site, from next year.
Juliette Saunders, Head of Development said: “Elim is now a step closer to developing the scheme for young adults and towards meeting Bristol's unmet need for specialist supported housing for people with learning disabilities and autism.”
Naina Mandleker, Consultant for Elim Housing said: “The scheme has been designed for young people with autism taking their first step towards independent living, often the age when they are admitted to hospitals due to absence of suitable accommodation in the community to meet their needs. Developed in a truly collaborative manner, the scheme design has had input from Bristol City Council, Bristol Autism Spectrum Service, Community Therapeutic Services, AWP, NHS, BNSSG ICB and Experts by Experience.”
Graham Hoyle OBE, Haven Community Chair said: “I am delighted that planning permission has been granted to Elim Housing to develop the plot of land, that has supported so many disabled adults over the last 18 years, through the building of six quality residential units. We look forward to returning to site on completion, operating a day centre in the adjacent building and welcome to opportunity for both organisations to further engage, supporting the local community.”
The property to be developed by Elim will be built to a high specification, and include features such as underfloor heating, solar panels, sound proofing and sensory spaces.
BCC will provide 24/7 person-centered support to residents in leading the lives they choose; accessing education, training, volunteering and jobs, pursuing hobbies and interests and learning daily living skills that will support their transition to adulthood.
Prior to breaking ground, Ecological Consultancy Clarkson & Woods are supporting Elim in the relocation of over 200 slow worms to a dedicated receptor area within the wider area to establish a new population. The site has been carefully chosen due to their connectivity with other habitat and features of value to reptiles for foraging and hibernation which is set to deliver real benefits for the wider community and its wildlife.
To find out more about how Elim aims to expand its specialist support services over the coming years, visit our website for more information.
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