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Our New Standard – Managing Anti-social Behaviour (ASB)

During the last 3 months we have been working on updating our policies and procedures for the management of Anti-social Behaviour.
We know how difficult life can be if you are living with anti-social neighbours or experiencing problems in and around where you live. As part of our commitment to keeping you safe and secure in your home, we have drafted an Elim standard for the management of ASB that sets out what you can expect from us when you report nuisance.

As a draft document we are keen for feedback and would welcome your comments on what we are proposing.

Read the draft document here.

Please send any comments, information or enquiries to the Head of Housing Services, Sara Bennett, on 01454 411172 or email her at
This consultation ends on Monday 9th November 2020. CONSULTATION NOW CLOSED

The role of the Housing Officers includes the investigation and management of cases where tenants or residents have complained about the behaviour of Elim tenants.
There are times when we are unable to act, for example if the evidence is not reasonable or strong enough, the complaint is not about our tenants, or the person complaining feels unable to support the process by giving witness statements for court action if needed.
We act promptly wherever we can, and work with local support agencies and enforcement such as the Police to keep neighbourhoods quiet and lawful.
Below are some of the cases we have managed recently and their outcomes.

Case 1 – Bristol
A resident at one at our supported houses was verbally abusive to residents living in the same property and one of our staff members. We issued a warning letter that was a first step to taking back the tenancy and gained an injunction at Bristol County Court that restricted him from causing any further alarm and distress to residents living in our scheme or to our staff. We had no repeats of any anti-social behaviour and the residents moved on to other accommodation in line with the agreed pathway.

Case 2 – Bristol
We received reports that a tenant was being antisocial in the communal areas of the flats where he was living. This included urinating in the communal hallways. He would bring back other people who were drunk to his property and they had been abusive to residents.
Tenants told us they were scared of what was happening. We worked with the local police to get the tenant referred for independent support from a recognised agency for his alcohol abuse, and set up an agreement with the tenant that to address the reported problems he would no longer invite people who had been drinking to excess into his home. Initially this worked, but a further breach of the agreement meant we served a notice that could initiate possession proceedings, and since this time there have been no further problems.

Case 3 – Birmingham
We had a report from a tenant telling us that their neighbour was having regular parties late into the night that were very noisy.
We interviewed all concerned and drew up an Acceptable Behaviour Contact (ABC) where the perpetrator agreed to stop having late night parties.
An ABC doesn’t have any legal standing but is a good way of reaching an agreement between the landlord and the tenant. If an ABC is NOT maintained, then the landlord can then start legal proceedings if the behaviours are serious enough.
There have been no further complaints.

Case 4 – Bristol
2 tenants living in shared house were not getting on with each other. When we interviewed each tenant, we could not identify who, if either of them, was causing any problems. There was no evidence of any breach of tenancy and it was difficult for them to live in each other’s space.
We offered mediation to both tenants, which meant we paid for them to see a professional mediator to help them jointly agree a way forward to living together without arguing.

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