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Buy a Home

Shared Ownership is simple way of purchasing a home without having to put down a huge deposit and taking out a big mortgage.

You can buy a share of the property, and rent the rest from us at a reduced rate.


If your circumstances change, you can buy more shares in your home. This is called staircasing.

The amount of shares you can buy will be set out in your lease. For many of our shared ownership properties, this is 100%, meaning you can own the entire home.

If your home is a flat, even if you purchase 100% of the property, you will remain a leaseholder. However if you buy a house, you will usually become a freeholder. This means that you will own the building and the land it is on.


If you'd like to sell your shared ownership home, you need to notify us of your intention before putting the property on the open market.

More information on selling your shared ownership home can be found below:

A Guide to Shared Ownership
Notification of Intention to Sell
Resales Procedure


There might be a provision in your lease which allows you to sublet your home. Shared Owners are expected to live in their homes and subletting is not usually permitted. Elim may consider lettings for a fixed period in exceptional circumstances, such as family problems or job relocation. Never sublet your home without our consent and that of your lender.

The Right to Buy scheme allows council tenants to buy their council home at a discount.

The Government plans to extend Right to Buy to housing association tenants.

These plans are currently being developed and we will provide residents with further information as it becomes available.

In the mean time, we're asking any resident who would be interested in purchasing their home through this scheme to let us know.

Complete the website contact form to register your interest. 

There is no cost associated with registering you interest however, if you decide to proceed with a Right to Buy application in the future, an administration fee of £250 will apply. This fee is non-refundable but will be deducted from the sale price of the property if a sale is completed.

Visit Right to Buy to find out more.

We Are Members Of:

Homes for Cathy
National Housing Federation
Place Shapers
We are a lining wage employer
Together with tenants
cyber essentials plus
Disability confident
Good Employment Charter

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