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Our Performance

Our Performance

Over the year ahead we are planning to publish much more information so that you can review our progress against key areas, including customer satisfaction with different parts of our service. We will also show you how we have made improvements to our service as a result of customer feedback  and will share our progress against our current corporate plan targets that have a direct impact on our customers.

We are committed to getting the basics right, and will always prioritise the delivery of good quality, safe and customer-focused services. 



Elim's Customer Scrutiny Group

The aim of the Customer Scrutiny Group is to bring together a group of up to 12 residents from across Elim, and for this group to have a role in a number of different activities that will help develop the way Elim works and delivers services for all its customers. This is likely to involve:

  • Scrutiny of our performance information, including resident satisfaction results, health and safety data and our response to customer complaints.
  • The opportunity to monitor progress against important customer facing strategies and key parts of our business plan.
  • Reviews of new Policies or proposed changes to service delivery.

If you would like to find out more about the Customer Scrutiny Group, or to express your interest in joining please email

How are we Performing?

Click on the drop down boxes below to find out more about how Elim is performing against feedback, complaints and business plan progress.


Complaints from residents are one of the most important ways that we get to hear about aspects of our services or our homes that require improvements. Each year we review all formal complaints received. You can read the most recent review here. 

We Are Members Of:

Homes for Cathy
National Housing Federation
Place Shapers
We are a lining wage employer
Together with tenants
cyber essentials plus
Disability confident
Good Employment Charter

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