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Rent and Service Charges

Paying Your Rent 

It is important that the right amount of rent is paid at the right time. To help you do this, we offer different forms of payment so that you can decide what suits you. More details can be found in the ‘Ways to pay’ section below.

Most of our residents are expected to pay their rent either a week or a month in advance. For those residents that aren’t able to do this at the beginning of their tenancy, we will ask them to agree a repayment plan at sign up. Paying rent in advance like this means that residents have a safety net to prevent them going into arrears if a payment is missed and also minimizes additional costs if or when they choose to move home.

Any resident can call our team on 01454 411172 for more information about their rent account.

Our Rent and Service Charge Policy can be read here.



There are various ways to pay your rent, including:

  • Ordering a payment card
  • Going to your nearest Pay Point location 
  • Paying with Allpay.
  • Paying with the Allpay app
  • Calling the Housing Team to make a payment on 01454 411172
  • Setting up a Direct Debit
  • Setting up a standing order

Our team can help you set up your preferred payment method. Just give us a call on 01454 411172 or email us at

In most cases we will give you at least 4 weeks notice in writing of any change to your rent or service charge. This can vary depending on which of our properties you live in, but your tenancy or license agreement will provide more details.

If you are in receipt of housing related benefits such as Housing Benefit or the housing component of Universal Credit, then it is your responsibility to notify your benefit office of any changes to your rent.

Service charges are an extra payment alongside your rent and they cover the cost of providing services to your home. If you pay service charges, we will provide you with a breakdown of these at the start of your tenancy and provide you with an updated breakdown at least every year.

If you are in receipt of housing related benefits, it is important to remember that not all service charges are eligible for these benefits, meaning you may have to pay for them yourself. The service charge breakdown gives more information on the charges that we think are eligible for payment by benefits and those that are not.

For more information, please see our guide to service charges here.

Please let us know if you are struggling to pay your rent, as failure to pay can lead to you losing your home. We will never evict a tenant who is working in good faith with us to address their rent arrears. We can develop a repayment agreement with you and signpost you to the right services to provide support around financial issues.

If payments are missed, we will try to phone, message or write to you. Please don’t ignore these communications – our first priority is always to try and offer support and assistance with your rent account.

Please contact our team on 01454 411172 to discuss any difficulties around paying your rent account.

We may offer you advice on the different external agencies you could visit, such as:

Please remember that if you fall behind with your rent don’t ignore it. If you do not contact us or respond to any of our letters, phone calls, emails, texts or home visits, we will take action to recover the money. This could result in you losing your home.

Our aim is to help you manage your rent account and make payments in a responsible manner.  As long as you keep in touch with us and let us know the problems you are having, we can help.

If you fall behind with rent, we will assess your circumstances and develop a repayment plan with you.

If you continue to fall behind we will take legal action against you.

We Are Members Of:

Homes for Cathy
National Housing Federation
Place Shapers
We are a lining wage employer
Together with tenants
cyber essentials plus
Disability confident
Good Employment Charter

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