You will have received your annual rent letter week commencing 24th February 2025, which includes information about your rent increasing and any service charges applicable to you.
To help answer any questions you may have, we have some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) below which include information on who can help you if you have any concerns.
How much is the rent increase?
Rent will increase by 2.7% from April 2025 for general needs tenants.
Shared Ownership rent will increase by 3.2% in line with the terms of the lease agreement.
If you pay service charges, these will also change to reflect any changes in the cost of providing services to you.
Your new rent and service charge payments will be detailed in the letter sent to you in February.
Why is there a rent increase?
The rent increase allows us to continue to deliver and improve our services, maintain our homes, and ensure that your home is safe.
The Government regulates the setting of rent through the Rent Standard which determines how much rent can be increased by.
In September 2024 Consumer Prices Index (CPI) was 1.7% this means that general needs rent will increase by 2.7% from April 2025 in line with the Rent Standard.
What happens if I claim Universal Credit?
If you claim Universal Credit, it is your responsibility to inform the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) of any changes to your rent and service charges.
It’s important that you don’t update your rent and service charges until 1 April 2025 or after. You should receive a ‘Confirm your housing costs’ to-do message from DWP in your journal.
If you submit your new charges before 1 April 2025, the change will be rejected, and you won’t get an increase in your housing costs award.
If you don't submit the new rent and service charge before the end of your first assessment period, you will only be assessed on the old charges which will result in you being in rent debt.
What happens if I claim Housing Benefit?
If you’re in receipt of housing benefit, we will inform the relevant Local Authority of any change in your rent so your benefits will be adjusted automatically.
However, it is your responsibility to ensure your Housing Benefit claim is paying the correct amount so please check any letters they send you and makes sure the amounts match your new rent.
I pay by Direct Debit, do I need to do anything?
If you pay us by Direct Debit, you don’t need to do anything. We will send you confirmation of your new payment schedule in March/April 2025.
If you don’t currently pay by Direct Debit but would like to, we can get this set up for you, just get in touch with our Finance team on 01454 411172.
What I have difficulty paying my rent?
If you’re worried about paying your new rent from April, or your current rent, then please contact us as soon as possible on 01454 411172. We can help you manage your money and maximise any benefits you may be entitled to, ahead of the change.
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